Ren Stanforth

Software Engineer

Ren Stanforth

Software Engineer

Blog Post

A Year After: Mouse – The Syndrome, and The Gear

November 6, 2021 Hardware, Health
A Year After: Mouse – The Syndrome, and The Gear

A year ago, I experienced a problem with my hand that was very unpleasant. I had the mouse finger syndrome, which is a pain in the index finger as a result of repetitive left-clicking on the mouse. You can check the blog I wrote about it here. I don’t want to go back to that state again. Feeling like a needle poking my index finger every time I move it. I thought that was the end of my gaming career. Phew! Glad it wasn’t.

As a solution, I bought a lighter gaming mouse that could ease the pain and does not cause me the mouse finger syndrome in the future. The mouse is a bit pricey than most mice, but it is a good investment. Let’s not forget that I do hand exercises from time to time before working or gaming.

Present day- I am still using the same mouse, and do hand exercises(if I can remember haha!). So far, my hands feel fine for the past year. I think a year is still early to say that I can finally enjoy playing and working without worrying about getting the syndrome back.

I can say that it is worth it when investing in good computer peripherals. Always consider ergonomics and weight when choosing the right mouse for you. Always take good care of your body- take vitamins to have healthy joints! If my hands can speak, I guess they’d be thanking me for the good mouse and hand exercises.

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